
news/2024/7/10 21:58:25 标签: php, https, ffmpeg, unity, xml

mogrify (like convert) is one of the utilities that come with imagemagick.

mogrify (如convert )是imagemagick附带的实用程序之一。

Here's an example of how you convert a batch of pic files to jpeg. Same for png to jpeg, vice-versa, etc.

这是如何将一批pic文件转换为jpeg的示例。 png与jpeg相同,反之亦然,等等。

$ mogrify -format jpg *.pic

Boom! Next!

繁荣! 下一个!

Also see: batch convert audio/video files with ffmpeg


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/batch-convert-image-formats-with-imagemagick/



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