
news/2024/7/10 20:00:15 标签: ffmpeg, 计算机视觉, anaconda, mac, https
https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/0ae2b55ca678de63e6a5326724a3e962.png" alt="ffmpeg重采样命令" width="403px" height="256px" style="outline: none;" />


Here's a video I made to raise awareness about Anaconda Limousine's first album (where I play guitar and co-wrote 1 song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LavyKbSuvI. This is a post that explains how it was made so if anyone wants to made a similar one, they can have something to step on.

这是我制作的一段视频,旨在提高人们对Anaconda Limousine的第一张专辑的认识(我在其中弹吉他并共同创作了1首歌曲): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LavyKbSuvI 。 这篇文章解释了它是如何制作的,因此,如果有人想制作一个类似的作品,他们可以有所作为。

Turns out videos like this are called "album sampler" and there are quite a few of those


输入和目标(Input and goals)

You start with:


  1. an image, the album cover

  2. all the songs, say in WAV format


The goal is to create a video that has the image as a background and also the title of each song. The audio for the video is 1 minute of each song starting somewhere from the middle. When you click each title, the video jumps forward to the part of the video that has this song as a background. The last step must be done manually in youtube using the annotation feature but all the rest is command-line.

目标是创建一个以图像为背景以及每首歌曲的标题的视频。 视频音频是每首歌曲从中间开始的1分钟。 当您单击每个标题时,视频会跳到以这首歌为背景的视频部分。 最后一步必须在YouTube中使用注释功能手动完成,而其余所有操作都是命令行。

Here's what the end result should look like (annotations not working in Firefox)




I'm assuming an out-of-the-box Mac. You're on your own on other OSs.

我假设使用现成的Mac。 您可以独自使用其他操作系统。

You will need:


  1. Homebrew (to install the other pre-requisites)


  2. ImageMagick (for some light image manipulation)

  3. Sox (cutting pieces of songs and fade in/out)

  4. ffmpeg (to make the video)


Installing 'brew:


$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

ImageMagick (install and test):


$ brew install imagemagick

$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-10 Q16 x86_64 2015-03-08 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC


$ brew install sox

$ sox -h



$ brew install ffmpeg

$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version 2.6.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers

图片 (The image)

Starting with a cover image, scanned from the CD if you don't have the original, The CDs are pretty square:


https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/9aae3c4757ef5e5f755dc974ceb5ea73.png" alt="anaconda" width="300" height="300" style="outline: none;" />

Let's use imagemagick to make it more video-dimensions friendly, meaning 16:9 ratio. My image happened to be 1200px, so keeping the height 1200px and the width becomes 1200 * 16 / 9 = 2133

让我们使用imagemagick使它更适合视频尺寸,即16:9比例。 我的图片碰巧是1200px,所以保持高度1200px,宽度变成1200 * 16 / 9 = 2133 16/9 1200 * 16 / 9 = 2133

We'll have the CD cover still in the center and fill the rest of the image with blackness:


# 1200x1200 to 16:9 ratio with black background
$ convert anaconda.jpg -background black -gravity center -extent 2133x1200 anaconda2.jpg



https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/c147ed3aef78e602cc1fdd302b643e10.png" alt="anaconda-16_9" width="300" height="169" style="outline: none;" />

After some manual typing of the track names (in Preview app) we get:


https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/ccd3fc2b353e3aae57669872075fec36.png" alt="anaconda2" width="300" height="169" style="outline: none;" />

Not the prettiest, but it will have to do.


音讯 (Audio)

Say I have all the 9 wav files, ripped from the CD, in a ./wav directory. I need a loop that takes each file in this directory and runs it through Sox. In the past I've used ffmpeg to cut pieces of audio files, but turns out Sox can do it too and the best part is - it can also fade in and fade out so the previews are not abruptly cut.

说我从CD翻录了所有9个wav文件,它们位于./wav目录中。 我需要一个循环,使该目录中的每个文件都通过Sox运行。 过去,我使用ffmpeg剪切音频文件,但事实证明Sox也可以这样做,而最好的部分是-它也可以淡入和淡出,因此预览不会被突然剪切。

Here's the loop:


$ i = 1; for f in wav/*; do sox "$f" "out/$((i++)).wav" trim 0:30.0 60 fade h 0:3 0 0:4; done

Now in ./out directory I have files 1.wav, 2.wav and so on... Each of these is a 1-minute slice, starting from the 30th second of the song. It fades in for 3 seconds and starts to fade out 4 seconds before the end of the one-minute piece.

现在在./out目录中,我有文件1.wav,2.wav等...每个文件都是1分钟的片,从歌曲的30秒开始。 一分钟片段结束前,它会淡入3秒钟,然后逐渐淡出4秒钟。

Last audio step: make one file that is a concatenation of all 9 pieces:


$ sox out/1.wav out/2.wav out/3.wav out/4.wav out/5.wav out/6.wav out/7.wav out/8.wav out/9.wav all.wav

视频 (Video)

The last step before uploading to youtube is to take the static image (anaconda2.jpg) and the background audio (all.wav) and make a video with ffmpeg:

上传到youtube之前的最后一步是获取静态图片( anaconda2.jpg )和背景音频( all.wav )并使用ffmpeg制作视频:

$ ffmpeg -loop 1 -i anaconda2.jpg -i all.wav -r 1 -shortest anaconda.avi

That's all folks - the result is anaconda.avi ready for youtube and the millions of fans hungry for new music.


的YouTube (YouTube)

After you upload the video, you have "Annotations" option, which doesn't work in Firefox, boo-hooo!


There are 5 ways to annotate, the one I liked the most is called "Spotlight".

有5种注释方式,我最喜欢的一种称为“ Spotlight”。

Annotations can show up and then disapear, but you don't want that, so you make'em last throughout the video.


Make them transparent.


Make them link to the same video (0LavyKbSuvI in my case) and have the second song (link, annotation) go to minute 1 of the video, the next one to minute 2 and so on.

使它们链接到同一视频(在我的情况下为0LavyKbSuvI ),然后将第二首歌曲(链接,注释)转到视频的第一分钟,将第二首歌曲转到第二分钟,依此类推。

A little trick many people oversee is to make the first track go to 0:01 (1 second in), as opposed to the very beginning, because clicks on that link reload the video page otherwise.


https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/9794f2c0a504e2f29494c5decb690f37.png" alt="Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 12.35.59 AM" width="650" style="outline: none;" />

谢谢阅读! (Thanks for reading!)

... and happy album sampling!


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/making-an-album-sampler-video-on-the-command-line/




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